Eating a healthy diet: A beginners guide

So on my journey of weight loss and wellbeing one thing which I get asked all the time from people is “how do you afford to eat so healthily, its so expensive”, or “how do you have the time to always make something for lunch, I’m too busy to eat healthy” or “I would eat more healthy but I don’t like….. “  So I thought I would share some top tips for anyone out there who’s bank statement alternates Prep, M&S, Boots, Nandos etc like mine used to or anyone who’s just looking to change their eating habits and doesn’t know where to start. I’ve now lost 4 stone thanks to a healthy diet and exercise. Determination and organization has paid off and at almost 30 I’m the healthiest I’ve ever felt.

A big chunk of eating healthily is in the planning and the prep. Even the prep of what your budget is for the weeks shop, when you are making time to go to the supermarket and what are you going to buy once you get there. I found it really useful to plan out the weeks meals in advance day by day and then writing a shopping list based on what is actually going to get eaten. If you  are smart too try to have crossover ingredients so you don’t buy something use a tiny bit and then the rest goes to waste. Then it’s making sure you have the discipline and motivation to do something with all the produce once you’ve bought it.

But first! Choose where you shop wisely. Doing a proper shop is vital to success and not getting things in drips and drabs and you’ll have more of what you need and aren’t topping up randomly from the more expensive quick express convenience stores. I personally choose to shop at Aldi or Lidl (I’m a real Aldi girl at heart though I could literally be their ambassador I love it so much) They have such a great selection of everything I need for for myself and Jamie to eat well, we are two people with a passion for a good diet and are very active in terms of exercise and for £50 I could feed us well for at least a week and I’m talking 3 meals a day.

Now, I’m no nutritionist or anything like that and the human diet from person to person is the most complex science but there are certain things I know personally you can’t go too wrong with. A well balanced diet will consist of a variety of different foods which will hit different nutritional goals.

I will always grab a protein to build each evening meal around so that would be for us some meat, fish or even eggs or if you’re veggie or vegan you could go meat free a substitute or legume. So chicken breasts, turkey mince, pork, chicken sausages, steaks, seabass, salmon fillets, cod loins, king prawns the options are endless and at their prices you can’t go wrong.

Then I try to eat as much fruit and veg as possible particularly those leafy greens so with my evening meal I will have a good portion of at least 2 different vegetables. Always check the super 6 too if you’re on a budget and want to load up on the veg. Essentials always in my fridge are kale, spinach, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumber, beetroot.

Then you have your carbs, sometimes if I have had a carb heavy lunch I might go for a lighter carb option but if not this will take the shape of either like a quinoa, wholegrain rice, wholewheat pasta, sweet potato or new potatoes, wholewheat pitta, bread or wrap. A personal fave is the little microwave pouches of wholegrain rice with quinoa and bulgar wheat. I think they’re about 69p and one will do me 3 lunches. I try to keep to a minimum what white carbs I eat. The prepped vegetable rices and noodles are great too if you are doing lower carbs and ares still really filling.

Then in there I’ll add my extras like making sure I’m getting my good fats so for me that would be raw nuts like almonds or cashews which are great for snacking, avocados, olive oil, eggs, seeds. (Try to remember when you’re cooking too that there is 119 calories in a tablespoon of olive oil!)

You can still snack or a healthy diet just keep away from the crisps, chocolate bars and cakes. If I need a snack or I’m having a sweet tooth moment I like to go for some fruit- berries are particularly good (try not too go too OTT with the fruit as even though it’s natural sugar you don’t wanna over do it), natural yoghurt (lush with a drizzle of honey), a square of dark chocolate. Their paleo, raw fruit and quinoa bars are great too for a snack which is just what it says on the pack with no hidden nasties. That kinda thing!

A big tip is don’t forget those pantry essentials which are always handy to knock up some delicious and healthy meals are…I can’t be without- tinned tomatoes, passatta, tomato puree, onions, frozen peas, tinned sweetcorn, tinned chickpeas, kidney beans, salad beans etc. These are all great things to have on standby! And lots of herbs and spices so you can really variate your flavours to keep it interesting.

Once you have planned and done your super healthy weekly shop you can get it home and organize your fridge with all your lovely healthy food and grab your favourite tupperware and start prepping like a boss!

One big tip with having a really healthy diet whatever your motivation- is try to make everything from scratch and do not cut corners. If you make it yourself from scratch you know just what is going into it and theres no hidden nasties that you can’t control. If you buy pre prepped meals out it can sound healthy but it can have all sorts in it if you aren’t analyzing the ingredients.

If you’re making lunches and food to take on your day to day I find it easier and time saving to do a few days at a time so you’re only doing it twice a week! Whether this is mixing it up a bit or eating the same day to day! Big batches of things that keep well are good to do this with! If you want some meal prep ideas for lunches let me know!

Do get creative!

Do snack healthy to keep the machine that is your body fueled!

Do enjoy what you’re eating and making!

Don’t deprive your body of what it needs but be smart!

Don’t be hungry! Eating healthy doesn’t mean being hungry.

Do remember that water is your best friend and make sure you’re drinking a lot of it!

I hope these tips help! When I first started out I wish someone would have written me a shopping list of sorts to point me in the right direction so I hope this does just that. Any questions just ask!

Thanks so much for reading!

H x

How To Keep Your Wardrobe Up To Date Without Bankrupting Yourself

  1. My golden rule– if something new comes in, something old goes out. This is the best way to keep organised, save space and get some dollar towards your next purchase by selling the old item on eBay or Depop (or whatever your preferred selling platform is) I know if I haven’t worn something in like 6 months (or sometimes ever) it’s time to go

2. Be patient– if you love something in a shop and think it’s a bit steep take a photo and do some research when you get home. Can you find a discount code online? Do they do student discount and you have a buddy that can hook you up on NUS or Unidays? Failing that on eBay for factory seconds- this works a lot for me with Topshop. Also look second hand, even if something is new in a store someone somewhere has bought it, worn it and selling it. Just be patient and search the selling sites. I nearly always find what I’m looking for.

3. Know exactly what you’re looking for– if you’re buying online and you have an item in mind don’t give up after one search. Just because you describe something one way doesn’t mean that the person potentially selling your dream item does. You may call it a shirt but do they call it a Blouse, a top, a tee? You call it leopard print do they call it cheetah or animal? You get what I’m saying. Be meticulous with it and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

4. Know when the sales are and don’t be shy to ask– if you want something and it’s super pricey and seasonal the chances are it will get reduced. Sales assistants are so helpful in letting you know when sale starts and if you save the code you can try snag the second it goes live online from the comfort of your sofa if you don’t fancy challenging the sales crowds. I managed to save £305 on my Mulberry Delphie just by having a chat with the staff.

5. Don’t be afraid to haggle– buying vintage or online from eBay/ depop etc- i.e not from a chain shop- don’t be afraid to ask them to lower the price. Trust me when you sell the hagglers come out so you gotta do it back! Drop a message and stare your ideal price, if you have had your eyes on something and it’s not gone if you’re asking a reasonable price you’ll be bound to strike a deal. If it’s something way in demand and sold out in stores then you probably can’t haggle as the seller is savvy and looking to mark up due to the mass need.

6. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket– be prepared to splash for some things but go budget elsewhere. You’ll get much more for your money if you don’t try to shop solely designer or even totally Topshop as it gets pricey very quickly and lets face it we all have responsibilities. A combo of different stores, a little designer, a little vintage, a little high street, a little discount and a little second hand is the perfect combo to guarantee a unique look which will be fresh, tailored to you and won’t break the bank!

Thanks so much for reading! I hope these tips help! Do you have any top tips?

Happy shopping!

H x