My golden rule– if something new comes in, something old goes out. This is the best way to keep organised, save space and get some dollar towards your next purchase by selling the old item on eBay or Depop (or whatever your preferred selling platform is) I know if I haven’t worn something in like 6 months (or sometimes ever) it’s time to go
2. Be patient– if you love something in a shop and think it’s a bit steep take a photo and do some research when you get home. Can you find a discount code online? Do they do student discount and you have a buddy that can hook you up on NUS or Unidays? Failing that on eBay for factory seconds- this works a lot for me with Topshop. Also look second hand, even if something is new in a store someone somewhere has bought it, worn it and selling it. Just be patient and search the selling sites. I nearly always find what I’m looking for.
3. Know exactly what you’re looking for– if you’re buying online and you have an item in mind don’t give up after one search. Just because you describe something one way doesn’t mean that the person potentially selling your dream item does. You may call it a shirt but do they call it a Blouse, a top, a tee? You call it leopard print do they call it cheetah or animal? You get what I’m saying. Be meticulous with it and you’ll find what you’re looking for.
4. Know when the sales are and don’t be shy to ask– if you want something and it’s super pricey and seasonal the chances are it will get reduced. Sales assistants are so helpful in letting you know when sale starts and if you save the code you can try snag the second it goes live online from the comfort of your sofa if you don’t fancy challenging the sales crowds. I managed to save £305 on my Mulberry Delphie just by having a chat with the staff.
5. Don’t be afraid to haggle– buying vintage or online from eBay/ depop etc- i.e not from a chain shop- don’t be afraid to ask them to lower the price. Trust me when you sell the hagglers come out so you gotta do it back! Drop a message and stare your ideal price, if you have had your eyes on something and it’s not gone if you’re asking a reasonable price you’ll be bound to strike a deal. If it’s something way in demand and sold out in stores then you probably can’t haggle as the seller is savvy and looking to mark up due to the mass need.
6. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket– be prepared to splash for some things but go budget elsewhere. You’ll get much more for your money if you don’t try to shop solely designer or even totally Topshop as it gets pricey very quickly and lets face it we all have responsibilities. A combo of different stores, a little designer, a little vintage, a little high street, a little discount and a little second hand is the perfect combo to guarantee a unique look which will be fresh, tailored to you and won’t break the bank!
Thanks so much for reading! I hope these tips help! Do you have any top tips?
Happy shopping!
H x